"Windows Backup did not complete successfully" message when it actually did
A message "The backup completed but some files were skipped." occurs. The link to find out what files were skipped is hidden behind the "options" button (not a great idea - whoever designed that must have just come back from a liquid lunch). In there I can see that the files that aren't backed up aren't on the local machine at all but on another one, referenced by the music "library", and can't be accessed at the moment because the credentials for that bit of shared disk haven't been given to Windows since the last reboot. I have two questions: 1) Why is windows backup trying to backup random bits of server when I ask it to backup my local PC? 2) When this fails, why is this an "error"?
January 17th, 2011 5:53am

Hi, According to your description, the library which you want to back up contains some files located on another computer on a network or on a drive that is not formatted using the NTFS file system. Please try to let windows choose what is backed up to see what the result. How does Windows choose which files to back up? Meanwhile, please provide detailed error information for us, this could help us analyze this issue. “The backup completed but some files were skipped” indicates that Windows Backup did not complete successfully, in other words, Windows Backup failed. Hope it helps. Alex ZhaoPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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January 20th, 2011 4:09am

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